Monday, August 12, 2024

Various Interviews

It's inevitable that as DEAR HANNA approaches Pub Day (Aug. 13) all the publicity starts to drop at the same time. To consolidate things a bit, here are some recent interviews:

 Has There Ever Been a Sequel Where the "Bad Seed" Was All Grown Up?

THE NERD DAILY Interview Q&A w/ Zoje Stage, Author of Dear Hanna

WOMEN WRITERS, WOMEN'S BOOKS Authors Interviewing Characters: Zoje Interviews Hanna

READER'S ENTERTAINMENT Behind the Words With Zoje Stage

DEBORAH KALB BOOK Q&As Q&A with Zoje Stage

HASTY BOOK LIST Interview Author Interview with Zoje Stage

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Writers Digest Essay & The ARC Party Podcast

We're only two weeks away from DEAR HANNA's launch day, and there's a lot going on! First up is an essay I wrote for Writers Digest about how selling BABY TEETH lifted me out of poverty and changed my life. And I'm also proud to share this ARC Party podcast discussion of DEAR HANNA, the one-and-only podcast I've done for the book. More updates soon!

Monday, July 8, 2024

DEAR HANNA will be here soon!

After the long, slow crawl toward publication, I realized today that DEAR HANNA hits shelves very soon - only 5 more weeks away!!! I haven't updated much here, so let me catch up a little and share our early reviews.

Also, a little birdie told me there will be a Goodreads giveaway starting soon, so stay tuned for that. And thank you to everyone who has already pre-ordered the book -- pre-orders make a big difference!

Lots of stuff will start to happen in the next few weeks. The best way to stay up-to-date is to follow me somewhere on social media. I'm most active on Twitter and Instagram, but I'm also on TikTok, Threads, and I have a Facebook Page. You can find all the links here.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Horror Panel at GPFOB

Hey there! As many of you have probably figured out, I don't make a ton of author appearances, so I'm extra-excited to be part of the Horror Panel at the Greater Pittsburgh Festival of Books! The festival takes place on May 11, and there is programming from 10am-5pm that includes panels, talks, workshops - and there will be bookstores on hand, and food trucks! The festival is FREE, and is located at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, 616 N. Highland Ave., 15206.

The Horror Panel runs from 1:15 - 2:15, and if you'd like to guarantee your spot please register here. Following the panel we will all be signing books (copies will be available to purchase in the lobby of our venue) - and I will have some SWAG on hand! Magnets, bookmarks, stickers...! Hope to see you there!

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Cover Reveal


And we officially have a cover for DEAR HANNA! The release date is Aug. 13, 2024 - but it's not too soon to preorder. (And I'm going to start collecting "fox" things!)

Zoje Stage delivers another knockout with a bone-chilling follow-up to international sensation Baby Teeth, taking readers back into the unsteady world of a young sociopath who's all grown up.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023


It's finally officially official! There will, at long last, be a follow-up novel to BABY TEETH. Hitting shelves August 2024, DEAR HANNA picks up with Hanna now 24 - a married woman and stepmother to a teenage girl. What could possibly go wrong?

I said for a long time that I wouldn't write a sequel to BABY TEETH, but Hanna took up residence in my head, and she had another story to tell.